

  • Calcium is the major element in bones.
  • Over 99% of the body’s calcium resides in bones.
  • Approximately 80-90% of bone mineral content is comprised of calcium and phosphorus.
  • Adequate intake of calcium from the diet is necessary for bone growth and maintenance.
  • Osteoporosis is a disease caused by a significant loss of bone mass which leads to increased susceptibility to fracture.
  • More frequently, it occurs in postmenopausal women (Ilich and Kerstetter, 2000; Ilich et al., 2003).

what is Effecti-Cal®

EffectiCal® is a patented and clinically tested novel formula, developed using our patented PPT® technology. It provides you the bone support without any GI disturbances such as constipation like other leading brands, containing the acetate salts of the elements: calcium, magnesium, zinc, plus vitamin D for preventing bone loss and osteoporosis.

Your bone health depends on calcium absorption. Levels of these minerals are optimized in EffectiCal® to maximize calcium absorption and mineral depletion.

EffectiCal® is highly soluble and absorbable, and clinically proven to be effective at one-third the dose of standard brands. Having high absorption means you can take less calcium per dosage to avoid side effects like constipation, which are common in leading brands.
